
The TRANSIt/ODS Winter School has been successfully completed!

In the context of the winter school, the community "TraIning teachers in competence based education: TRANSIt @ the Vilnius Winter School 2014" has been created and is available here.

The description of the activities/workshops that took place, as well as the presentations delivered during the Winter School are available in the activities area of the  community, accessible here.  

The ODS learning Authoring Tool has been used. Participants worked individually and/or in small teams and scenarios were uploaded in the TRANSIt workspace and are available in the Learning Scenarios area of the community.

As a starting point, each participant has been invited to come to the course with an idea, or maybe an example of existing practice, called 'initial ideas'. These ideas have been uploaded as Educational Objects on the portal . These ideas related somehow to using cross-curricular approaches fostering competences in learning and education. During the winter school these initial ideas were developed further, based on insights gained through a series of workshops. by the end of the course these ideas become 'learning scenarios'.

 Please feel free to sign up & share your feedback! 


Wednesday, March 5, 2014