
The TRANSIt training platform is available here

Moreover, in the context of activities such as the Summer Schools 2013/14, the Winter School 2014 and with an aim to support national stakeholders in the area of key competence acquisition (KCA) the following multilingual communities of practice have been created on Open Discovery Space portal.

• [ES] Educaciόn basada en competencias (proyecto TRANSIt
2013 summer school, TraIning teachers in competence based education: TRANSIt @ the Crete Summer School 2013
2014 winter school, TraIning teachers in competence based education: TRANSIt @ the Vilnius Winter School 2014
Register in order to access the content created by participants in various project's piloting activities and share your own competence based learning (CBL) materials (resources, lesson plans, educational scenarios) with peers.
You can have access to the activities/workshops that took place, as well as the presentations and training materials delivered during these activities are available in the "Activities" area of the communities. as well as a number of case studies and cross-curricular Learning Scenarios that aim to foster students' competences and apply to Social Sciences, Arts & a combination of other subject fields such as Mathematics & ICT. 
Please feel free to join/register the TRANSIt community and send us your feedback!