

TRANSIt was represented at the 7th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning (ICODL 2013). The event took place in Athens (Greece) from the 8-10 of November 2013 at Ellinogermaniki Agogi premises and focused on Learning Methodologies. “TraIning teachers in competence based education – the TRANSIt use case in Greece” is the title of the presentation paper that held by Ellinogermaniki Agogi in the second day of the event. The presentation shared the outcomes from the needs analysis survey on key competence acquisition (KCA) in Greece, which took place during the period June – July 2013 in which 648 responses were collected.

Ellinogermaniki Agogi also facilitated a TRANSIt workshop on learning design skills on the 8th of November. Participants had the chance to design competence based educational scenarios using Open Educational Resources and become member of the "TraIning teachers in competence based education" Community, a space of sharing and exchanging their practices.

The Conference Programme is available here.


Fri, 06/02/2015 - 16:00